“Free Education for Everyone (FEE) has expressed its disappointment after a national magazine described the group as ‘militants’. Phoenix magazine based an article on socialist party member, Paul Murphy, who is currently involved with FEE and was active in the previous campaign against fees. Mr Murphy felt that the achievements of FEE were belittled by the magazine saying, ‘It’s not a good representation of FEE. It doesn’t mention the people involved or the kind of things FEE has achieved. It just references a few protests.’ He claimed that there were a number of problems within the article itself saying that ‘there was a reasonable number of factual inaccuracies as well as sending a message in terms of my role and the socialist party. They were implying something that isn’t really there.’ FEE are currently working with the Students’ Union (SU) on the campaign against fees. Although Mr Murphy admits that there was a ‘degree of tension’ between both groups, he felt that there was a good relationship between them. ‘We have a good relationship with UCDSU considering the differences we have and we are able to work alongside them without giving up our criticisms of them’ …” (more)
[Simon Cantwell, University Observer, 10 February]