Daily Archives: 11 March, 2009

The TCD-UCD partnership
Liverpool’s cuts have not been thought through
Launch of media lab, sorry digital hub, sorry let’s try again, Innovation Academy
Developments in University Cooperation
UCD, Trinity announce Innovation Academy
TCD / UCD Innovation Alliance to Drive Smart Economy Job Creation
University work call for pupils
Call to enact 30-year-old poll result on Seanad vote
Warning that universities face ‘civil war’ over research merger
College is healthiest option, finds report
Cowen to back college plan despite objections
National Competitiveness Council – Statement on Education and Training
Too many doctors in the house?
We urge every child to go to university, but hope none will stay
Senate to consider proposal from UL on extending voting rights
Liverpool staff promise strike over subject cuts
Obama Calls for Better Data on Students and Urges Colleges to Control Cost