Daily Archives: 25 March, 2009

The Time Value of Exchequer Funding, and the Fees Debate
Science research threatened by new funding rules
Science Foundation Ireland launches ‘Powering the Smart Economy’ Strategy 2009-2013
Tuition fees around the world
‘Buying your way into college: Private tuition and the transition into higher education in Ireland’
College fees must be used to combat social inequality
World-class research needed for economy, says science foundation
Commercialisation should not be regarded as a dirty word
O’Keeffe considering ‘payback’ fees scheme
Colleges must be accountable says O’Keeffe
Parents face huge bills as fees return
Academics’ pay is well earned
It’s no harm for third-level graduates to get a lesson in debt
University Teaching Loads
WIT in serious financial difficulty
Free university courses for unemployed proposed
MIT faculty open access to their scholarly articles