Daily Archives: 18 February, 2010

Statement by Minister O’Keeffe at the announcement of strategic alliance between UL and NUI Galway
Limerick – Galway: announcement from Limerick
Universities unite to boost investment
Dismantling of the NUI will threaten university standards
Doctor cheated in postgraduate exam
School used student laptop webcams to spy on them at school and home
‘The Challenge of Bologna’
JK Rowling accused of plagiarising from 1987 children’s wizard book
Plagiarism, or just ‘mixing’?
Annual review of university rankings
Night on tiles warning for students
Universities, colleges and institutes and what they (might) do for you …
‘Frankensite’ monsters loom as universities lose control of content
‘Make it easy’ science courses recipe for disaster
Defenders of the academy? More like the status quo, says Lord Mandelson
The business model for higher education: I. What doesn’t work?
Best Practice Guidelines for PhD Programmes
Another look at fees
From where I sit: Discerning palates
Teaching is the highest purpose, argues thinker