Daily Archives: 26 May, 2010

Fruitbatgate: Sexual Harrassment or Intellectual Discourse?
Allowing Early Applications for Third Level Grants good news
Science funding: Science for the masses
Northern Ireland minister calls on Ulster Museum to promote creationism
Educational markets
Higgins raises access/ back to education crisis with Ombudsman
UCU threatens Sussex with ‘ultimate sanction’
NIH set to tighten financial rules for researchers
‘250,000’ to miss university places this year
Increased emphasis on vocational education is a pretty bad idea now
Smyth welcomes new Third Level Grant administrative changes and calls on students to apply early
Govt wants mandatory industry and academia research links
Anger over stem cell claims
Universities step up bid to end ‘free fees’
Professors everywhere!
What do we know about education in Ireland?
Minister Leighton Andrews critical of universities
Start-ups mean accepting failure as prelude to success
Free college fees gave me my start
Irish University Goes Batty