The future of academic tenure

“It is generally reckoned that the concept of academic tenure was developed to its most pure state in America. Under United States custom and practice, once an academic employee in a university has been awarded tenure, they cannot be dismissed from their university employment except on certain grounds related to conduct or performance …” (more)

[Ferdinand von Prondzynski, University Blog, 6 September]


  • Let us save readers the click and examine Ferdie’s argument;

    “It seems to me that academic tenure remains, and must remain, an important element of higher education. Without it, it would be hard to secure the freedom of intellectual thought and the development of new knowledge”

    Yet Ferdie spent millions of taxpayers’ money in a futile attempt to get rid of tenure; more specifically, he took a Supreme court action arguing that “Academic tenure” could be redefined as the right to 3 months’ salary on being summarily dismissed. supreme court Judge Denham argued that this indeed would be the end of academic freedom.

    Ferdie’s hypocrisy seems astonishing. But is it hypocrisy, or is he bonkers? IMO, there are two explanations;

    1. He is a hardened cynic, perhaps acting at the behest of forces within corporate Ireland;

    2. He is dissociated enough not to be responsible for many of his actions

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