Daily Archives: 18 October, 2010

5000 pounds offered to students who fail A-levels
Accreditation and the state
Withering Academia?
Who needs friends when you’ve got peer reviewers?
Men with poor arts degrees ‘worse off after graduating’
Another stem cell paper retracted, for ‘breach of established ethical guidelines’
A university’s soul is its freedom of ideas
Pretending it’s all easy
Assessing business schools and business scholars
Medical Council approves GEPs in RCSI and UL
100,000 unemployed graduates – 2,000 Govt training places
President should have a role in selection of top dons
Farmers’ children the winners since abolition of college fees
Cannabis the drug of choice for university students
Bonus points for maths
How to avoid need for college fees: attract more foreign students to Irish universities
The infrastructure is getting thicker …
Considering New Zealand
In Europe, a Plan to Rank Rankings Takes Shape
The Charter Right to Criticize a Prof