Daily Archives: 23 December, 2010

Arizona State University teams up with DCU Ryan Academy
Funding cuts: will industry make up the difference?
Student nurses’ pay to be cut to zero by 2015
It’s the breadth that matters
Programme 76, Irish PISA Results, (19-12-10)
It’s hard to go on
PhD production as a process of self-discovery
From the latest Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Newsletter – an article from PNAS on ‘The Boon and Bane of the Impact Factor’ (and abuse of the drug ‘Sciagra’)
A day working from home
Scottish v-cs are ready to ram home their demands for extra resources
A UJI study reveals that university students and lecturers are open to educational innovation
Students entering nursing will not be paid for work on wards
Marie Curie Fellowships moving researchers around the world
Does it matter how many universities we have?
Exam system doing little to get students talking
Decision on UHI becoming a university due ‘in weeks’