Monthly Archives: February 2011

Scottish universities call for an end to free higher education
Firm defends writing essays for students
Micropublishing E-books for Higher Education
German scientists outraged in defence minister plagiarism affair
Studying Abroad and Labour Market Mobility
Irish election raises questions for stem cell research
Arts and Humanities disciplines
How to Save Academic Freedom
Business selling college essays refutes claims of plagiarism
Technology to blame as standards in basic skills fall
Education and social exclusion
Students drop out over delay in grants
An Irishman’s Diary
Universities being asked to repair problems in society
College lecturers set for day of action
Higher Education Means Lower Blood Pressure
As They Ponder Reforms, Law Deans Find Schools ‘Remarkably Resistant to Change’
Politics and the Demise of the Humanities
Beauty in the academic labour market
UCC take Collingwood Cup at the death