Daily Archives: 01 March, 2011

‘How I cheated the UCD exam system’
TCDSU seeking legal action over unregistered student voters
Confusion over allocation of contribution charge to services
Exam Cheating: Reaction and Analysis
The Big Academic Job Hunt
Accommodation prices cut at student campus village
Universities braced for heavier research burden
Sigerson Cup
‘Third Level Fees must be a Red Line Issue in Government Negotiations’ – USI
Bloody mess: LSE’s rearguard action against Libyan links continues
The innocent, unconscious bias that discourages girls from math and science
German defence minister quits over plagiarism row
Scotland’s universities face £200m funding gap
The claim that we have too many universities is simply wrong
Teacher’s Pet
Teachers still top of class for 31st Dail representation
Plagiarism warning
Plagiarism or not?
Grinding it out for four decades
How Finland emerged from recession with the best education system in Europe