Daily Archives: 06 June, 2011

Supreme Court Rebuffs Stanford’s Bid to Assert Control of Invention
Is gifted education a good idea?
Pot Quinn says kettle Burton is black
‘Easy and simplistic’: Theresa May’s campus extremism strategy condemned
AC Grayling’s private university is odious
Academic studies home technology challenges
If you’re an egalitarian, how come you’re trying to sell an undergraduate arts degree that costs more than an MBA?
Publishers Grapple With Thorny Issues of Protecting Property and Going Digital
Is the New College of the Humanities a good thing?
Fighting plagiarism and defending academic integrity
How to Work in the Summer
Texas, Part II: are we really so bad at explaining education to the doubters?
The New College of Humanities: is this the future?
Universities ‘complacent’ over Islamic extremism, warns Theresa May
Conceptualising the new higher education: a blast from the right
Should the American Economic Review drop double-anonymous review?
Dons defend plan for £18,000-a-year college