Daily Archives: 07 July, 2011

Ulster Sells FLEX to ORTUS
How to make college cheaper
Scottish students face being ‘squeezed out’ of universities, warns NUS
Universities under pressure of new student expectations
Higher Education Grants
TCD bid to tear down sites on Pearse Street
Taoiseach says Waterford can lead way in technology
So how would you design a lecture theatre?
Valuing intellectual capital
University tuition fees may be frozen at £3,200 mark
Foreign languages
Numbers surge for science courses
Alumni: the forgotten university community
BiancaMed – another tax-funded Irish university spinout bought by US firm; French VC makes 50% return
Dedicated centre to enhance student writing skills at UL
No qualifications for 40 years, now the grans are graduates
Interest up in science as college applications slip
Scale of crime in university cities revealed