Daily Archives: 11 August, 2011

Top European R&D investing companies to increase research spend by 5% annually to 2013
University ‘cannot be too choosy over postgraduates’
TCD Geneticist Unearths Correspondence between Irish Physicist and Famous British Botanist
Hostile Witness
Trying to Stifle Multitasking
DCU and North Dublin Chamber of Commerce strengthen relationship
Guns in the college classroom
When I grow up, I want to be spoon-fed
Student income has fallen by 33%
Leaving Cert has many advantages
DIT offers most Springboard courses
The medium is the message?
Third-level students now forced to live on €55 a week
Blasphemy, Ireland and an Irish University
Kindle Gives Me Culture Back
Copyright or copywrong? How journals control access to research