Daily Archives: 30 August, 2011

At least 45 university departments occupied by their students in Greece, gearing up for another winter of discontent
Rents near UL and LIT rise by 8.7%
University rejects fresh Kells bid
The Future of Higher-Education Internationalization
Gender gap in spatial abilities depends on females’ role in society
Meath town seeks return of Book of Kells
Resisting the policy shifts: a manifesto for HE staff
Not the right time for change to Junior Cert, teachers insist
Response to George Monbiot’s Rant against Academic Publishers
Administrators Ate My Tuition
Take-up of college offers hits a high
Changes in school exams
UCC staff to test out hybrid vehicles
The student grant is more crucial than ever as college costs soar
The continuing decline of languages in education
Figures suggest tight battle for college places
Publishers snub Quinn’s school book prices plea
iPads issued to school children
Academic publishers make Murdoch look like a socialist
The anti-Power-Point party