Daily Archives: 22 November, 2011

UCC society disbanded after ‘disgracing’ university
Colleges and third level and school league tables …
Penneys founder Arthur Ryan receives honorary doctorate
Ireland’s R&I Minister sets record on university rankings
RCSI pays tribute to its staff in Bahrain
FEE and USI meet to discuss city centre stand off
‘Brain drain’ is a poser for College
USI’s Actions ‘deplorable’ says FEE
Bleary-Eyed Students Can’t Stop Texting, Even to Sleep, a Researcher Finds
Ireland ranked 6th in global University Rankings
How should we view student debt?
Terry Pratchett at TCD
‘We got our message across’
Student fees North and South
University defends €230,000 salary for post
Middle-class schools tighten their grip on college places
Huge salary ‘out of our hands’ says UL
Trinity forms part of ‘smart economy’ research alliance
UL medical school chief to earn €240,000 per annum
Students should just stick to lectures