Daily Archives: 25 January, 2012

Higher Education Grants – HEAR
Public Sector Pay – Low pay
Public Sector Pay
Ireland’s SOPA to permit three strikes; TDs asked to debate something they haven’t seen
University town status for Athlone?
Locked in the Ivory Tower: Why JSTOR Imprisons Academic Research
A Central Researcher in the H5N1 Flu Debate Breaks His Silence
Full text of President’s speech
In full: Seán Sherlock’s full briefing note on copyright protection
The Leiden Ranking
Halligan furious at ‘watered down’ university plan
Ireland and EU to sign controversial ACTA treaty tomorrow
Trinity College Head appointed as new Imperial College Principal
Questioning the Taoiseach | The SOPA legislation
Exams make our hands sore, say students
Exam Time
Ireland taking a ‘whole of Government’ response to Anonymous threat
Students at Public Universities, Colleges Will Bear the Burden of Reduced Funding for Higher Education
Sherlock open to Dáil debate on plans for online piracy law
GMIT to anchor Ireland’s biggest uni