Daily Archives: 15 February, 2012

Contact hours – Economics departments
Higher Education Grants
New €21m School of Medicine opens at TCD
Chomsky slams modern education: designed to control and create conformity
Why rank student cities?
Spanish changes are scientific suicide
Philip Nolan at IGNITE Dublin #8
Libraries Receiving a Shrinking Piece of the University Pie
British universities are in need of a teaching revolution
Dublin is the 8th best place in the world for students
LIT Creative Multimedia
Capital among top student cities for education … and craic
Copyright enforcement and the Internet: we just haven’t tried hard enough?
Is data misuse finally becoming a criminal matter?
Technological universities
‘Truth’ in Science
Drink driving student ‘deeply embarrassed’
German Professors’ Salaries Ruled Unconstitutional
EU official who resigned over ACTA explains how the treaty will result in invasive border searches of personal devices, privacy-invading dissemination of public’s personal information
Colleges and universities must merge or lose funding