Daily Archives: 23 February, 2012

Move on copyright not needed – and unwise
Students challenge maintenance grants cuts
Angry Students Set to March Against Education Cuts
They Want To Cancel Rag Week In Galway
Galway student takes court action over grant cuts
One in five graduates ‘overqualified’ for their job claim challenged
ASTI warns Government to ‘respect Croke Park Agreement’
Education key to getting people ‘job ready’
Brian Anderson, MIT Undergraduate Student Found Dead In His Dorm, Third Death This Year
Would an economist lie to you?
Belfast students get St Patrick’s expulsion warning
Ireland’s €6.5m boost for applied research
Postgraduate study is neglected, say universities
Scientists have sold their souls to business
Angry Students Set to March Against Education Cuts
Further momentum in drive to commerialise scientific research as Minister Sherlock announces €6.5m for 58 projects
Technological Universities – Legislation
Quinn ‘back of the class material’, say students
CVs that need plenty of research
Universities cut number of degree courses by 27%