Daily Archives: 12 June, 2012

Master’s Degree Mania: Employers Win, Students Lose
Union Expresses ‘Shock and Anger’ after TCD Shuns Labour Court Ruling
Quidditch emerges from world of magic
Raucous Oxford finalists injure University officials
Rising the rankings: how Exeter moved up the league tables
You must be on your holidays now
Pay (less) to publish: ambitious journal aims to disrupt scholarly publishing
‘Our goal is simple – we want to transform education worldwide’
Leaving Cert maths problems ‘must be addressed’, says TD
Google reaches agreement with French publishers and authors over digitising of out-of-print books
Universities: Small is Beautiful
Centralised student grant system will ease stress on students – Keaveney
Centralised student grant system must lead to quicker payments – Power
Programme 142, Mark Candon on Being Principal of a School Serving a Disadvantaged Area
Online student grant system opens 7 years late
Student leadership?
Solicitor claims gender discrimination in UCC job application
Online grant system introduced
Father of murdered student on way home with personal items
Defending medics in Bahrain