Daily Archives: 14 August, 2012

Kennedy appointed professor at UL
Foreign students favoured in ‘two tier’ university clearing
Independent labs to verify high-profile papers
Shanghai Jiao Tong university rankings revealed
Management teaching is a barrier to creative thinking
Missouri ‘Right to Pray’ Law Could Limit Teaching Evolution
Judges and Professors – Ships Passing in the Night?
ARWU Ranking (the Shanghai Ranking) 2012 – results for Ireland
Former IT editor lands journalism job at UL
Higher CAO points required? Not such a problem
Universities Going Private: Should We Ask ‘If’ or ‘When’?
Is this the worst possible opening sentence to a novel?
FT publisher Pearson to open business college
Making research integrity an essential part of graduate education
Found in translation: where do cures come from?
College grant system favours farmers and self-employed
NUI Galway does research deal with Chinese institute
College expenses reach a new level
Third-level education – Soft options may be the wrong choices
Status of thousands of teachers in doubt