Daily Archives: 03 September, 2012

London Met launches legal action against UKBA
What purpose are exams supposed to be fit for, Mr Gove?
Submissions sought on science plan
There’s no justifying Research Council UK’s support for gold open access
It’s 20 years since polytechnics became universities – and there’s no going back
SFI chief talks science funding and Irish researchers (interview)
Government to reveal plans to cut public sector allowances
SFI director defends his €190,000 salary
Labor Day, Cambridge, MA
African cooperation ‘dropped from EU research calls’
MPs challenge London Metropolitan University overseas ban
Naked parades, bodily fluids and bar fights: Oxbridge’s dossier of student mayhem revealed
2012 – The Year of Open Access
City University wrongly connected with London Met crisis
Not A Dry Night On Campus: British Universities Need To Address Their Lack Of Alcohol-Free Freshers’ Events For Drinkers and Non-Drinkers
Limerick Institute of Technology reveals €200m master plan for 2030
SFI opens up consultation process for 2020 strategy agenda and 2013 operational plan
What Is an Access Code Worth?
SFI announces strategy and planning consultation
Limerick Institute of Technology in €200m expansion