Monthly Archives: November 2012

Project Maths ‘must address issues’
Launch of Digital Collections
EU science funding – Royal Irish Academy
Simple solution to retain women in research
Magee – we need more
Derry Science Park funding welcomed
Student Grant Scheme Reform
Student Grant Scheme Application Numbers
Student Support Schemes
Students lobby Labour over pledge not to raise registration fee
HSE criticised for failing to clarify non-payment of student allowances
Switch in maths focus at schools is ‘working’
Student protesters throw eggs at Taoiseach Enda Kenny in UCD
Regulating Scotland’s universities
Student protest at constituency office of Labour Party TD
Filling the gap in the Technology Sector
Higher education: Not what it used to be
In Britain, an Assault on Academic Values
Gap-year takers ‘more likely to have used cannabis by 16’
LIT project to be tested on ISS next year