Daily Archives: 20 November, 2012

Education reform ‘key to EU growth’
Students going without food, light and heat – Increasing costs and delays in grants system force students into poverty
Final Observations of Canadian University Rankings: A Misadventure Now Over Two Decades Long
Julian Assange: WikiLeaks Founder Cambridge Union Talk Cancelled For ‘Technical Reasons’
Systematic Corruption Alleged Within Italian Research Ministry
Third Level Sector Reform
Student Grant Scheme Delays
Quinn: Some student grants will be paid after Christmas
Govt to begin talks on Croke Park deal next week
Students facing Christmas without grant
Yangtze fancy LIT as Limerick college seals student deal
More papers, better papers? The curious correlation of quality and quantity in academic publishing
University looks for ‘amateur sleuths’ to help unlock pre-Famine stories
Magee tops agenda for delegation to Stormont
Why all pharmaceutical research should be made open access
Do you want the Civil Service to run Universities?
Universities Bill will stifle the innovation we need
Teacher’s Pet
Coming to grips – or not – with university autonomy
Gilmore out of country as students arrive on his doorstep chanting ‘Out, out, out!’