Daily Archives: 29 November, 2012

Filling the gap in the Technology Sector
Higher education: Not what it used to be
In Britain, an Assault on Academic Values
Gap-year takers ‘more likely to have used cannabis by 16’
LIT project to be tested on ISS next year
Love lost for science policy
Eggs thrown at Kenny in UCD
New BSc at GMIT aims to address ICT industry skills gap
New initiatives needed to meet high-tech skills demand
Our universities need their freedom to thrive
Metrics and Meaning – Can We Find Relevance and Quality Without Measurements?
Unions say ‘new’ Croke Park will be difficult
Move to double number of Indian students in Ireland
Jordanstown to be ‘urban village’ as university decamps to Belfast
Transfer of powers: legal question hangs over University of Law
Join us in the big tent
How sex work has replaced a bar job for some students who struggle to pay bills
Puppy Room At Dalhousie: University Brings In Dogs For Stress Therapy
New universities: will the public good yield to private profit?