Daily Archives: 02 January, 2013

Britain’s education system is being tested to destruction
Female University Students Bigger Binge Drinkers Than Males, Research Shows
Fiscal Cliff Deal Delays Major Budget Cuts, but Includes Reductions That Could Affect Science
Quinn outlines presidency priorities
In search of credit
Cuts in Donegal Education Attack on Society’s Weakest, Says Local Teachers’ Union Chair
Science must be seen to bridge the political divide
The ‘Market Power’ of Top Journals
US fiscal deal leaves science vulnerable
Minister Quinn outlines Ireland’s Education priorities for EU Presidency
Research funding: are we in danger of concentrating too hard?
Robert Boyle – Irish scientists
Tulane sent incorrect information to ‘US News’ for rankings
Croke Park accord needs more than recalibration
Essay on scholarly ‘social editions’ of texts in the humanities
Through hell and high water
Class sizes and fairness
Report on college points system reform plans delayed
Comparing Performance on Reading, Maths & Science
Exam cheat probe runs up bills of €225,000