Daily Archives: 16 January, 2013

HSE extends graduate nursing jobs deadline
Report on Pay Talks – Beware of Choreography!
Race is on for EU’s €1 billion science prize
Limerick researcher could be first Irishwoman in space
French universities to offer 20% of courses online … in 5 years
More Rumblings from the HEA
Anti-Immigrant Photobomb
Academics Memorialize Aaron Swartz With Open-Access Uploads
Key report recommends AIT remain as independent institution
The HEA proposes merging 39 colleges into 24
MOOCs: ‘dropout’ a category mistake, look at ‘uptake’?
Undue Influence?
After the gold rush: MOOCs are augmenting rather than replacing formal educational models
Vested interests must not halt progress of Technological University in South East – Coffey
Higher Education Authority recommends cuts to number of colleges
HEA says merged colleges would be more effective
David Attenborough: The man with the most honorary degrees in UK gets one more from Queen’s University
HEA report now published – ‘Completing the Landscape Process for Irish Higher Education’
Third-level colleges should be cut by 15, says report
Colleges to merge in biggest third-level shake-up