Daily Archives: 18 January, 2013

Higher tuition fees caused ‘wild swings’ in student numbers, figures show
Law School Enrollments are Plummeting. What Happens Next?
Mary Immaculate College set for major expansion in Limerick
Student Emails
Mathematicians aim to take publishers out of publishing
Scholarly Indexes are Unwittingly ‘Legitimizing’ Corrupt Publishers
Students: pick IT or business language courses, says IDA
University Rankings
Student Grant Scheme Delays
Student Grant Scheme Reform
Student Grant Scheme Eligibility
Third Level Staff
The Higher Education Authority’s document, Completing the Landscape Process for Irish Higher Education, should be ignored until it is rewritten
Health staff are asked to bear brunt of cuts in Croke Park talks
National Museum hits out at ‘barbarian’ merger
LIT, UL and MIC to form a ‘regional cluster’ for the Mid-West
UL to host editor’s transition to professor