Daily Archives: 21 January, 2013

Reilly stands by graduate nursing programme
Could a university be the next HMV?
Obama’s three education references in inaugural speech
Are Ethnic Minority Students Being Forced Into Medicine And Law Degrees, As Les Ebdon Claims?
Should academics appraise their bosses?
Plans laid out for future of higher education and DIT
In Irish universities, males get more firsts, females get more seconds and everyone gets more of both
More disappointing stuff from the HEA
200 new DCU supported jobs a major boost for North Dublin City
Cork to lose 50 teachers as Govt persists with further education cuts
DCU Innovation Campus to support 200 jobs – Minister Bruton
Dr Jekyll writes – binge writing as a pathological academic condition
New DCU campus to create 500 jobs over five years
Higher education is a funny old game
Forget Blue Monday, January is just a lousy time to be a student
Boys close the college gender gap
DCU launches cleantech innovation hub to exploit potential for green economy
Lack of apprenticeships makes further studies the only option
Government committed to supporting research
Doomsayers are doomed to fail about the end of innovation