Daily Archives: 28 January, 2013

The university professor is always white
A ‘Nobel Prize’ in Law: At Last! On the Creation of the Tang Prize
TCD, UCD receive funding to study graphene
The World’s Most Educated Countries
The hypocrisy of ‘political neutrality’ at Oxford
Taiwanese Billionaire Establishes Richer-Than-Nobel Prizes
Are universities really not delivering for graduates – or are MOOCs just another stick with which to beat them?
Online revolution threatens to destroy our failing universities
500% increase in higher education courses offered to those with FETAC qualifications
Blackboard vs Facebook at NUI Galway
Impact Factor – what it should and shouldn’t be used for
Take Back The Net: it’s time to end the culture of online misogyny
Missing the Point on Open Access
University Autonomy and Structural Change
Irish research institution gets EU funding boost
The boundaries of academic blogging
UCD Smurfit School MBA ranking climbs to 64th in FT global 100
Cork Institute of Technology v. An Bord Pleanála & Anor [2013] IEHC 3, 15 January 2013
AIB leaves DCU as Bank of Ireland takes campus spot
UKIP’s dangerous higher education policies