Daily Archives: 11 February, 2013

UL President does not know how much former students owe
TUI may pull out of Croke Park talks
Students must act, or watch university privatisation become irreversible
WIT to offer free ICT conversion course targeted at job seekers
UL president says he does not know who much college is owed in outstanding fees
The Law School Crisis
In Downsized EU Budget, Mixed News for Research
Wrecking toilets and punching each other? Just a normal night out for Cambridge students
What College Rankings Really Tell Us
Colleges must take ‘humane’ approach with debt collectors, says children’s minister
The Era of the Plausible
Students hit out at debt collectors chasing fees
The Dissertation Can No Longer Be Defended
Update on U-Multirank
College lecturer awarded £7,500 for ‘humiliating’ suspension
Universities hiring debt collectors to chase down student fees
DCU chief calls for digital learning strategy
Farmers face up to thorny issue of third-level grants
How To Annoy Your Professor: The Poll
What makes an academic leader?