Daily Archives: 28 May, 2013

Sixth year students should consider ICT courses for further education
Student Grant Scheme Payments
Tralee IT chairman to retire in July
CPSU rejects pay deal; INMO recommends acceptance
Student Grant Scheme Reform
Third Level Admissions Entry Requirements – Northern Ireland
Minister finally accepts responsibility for SUSI grants mess – McConalogue
ICTU Silence on anti-union legislation is Deafening!
Harvard professors demand greater role in oversight of edX
The QS university rankings by subject: Warning needed
Why we’ll all be behind paywalls before too long
Quinn: We got it wrong on grants payment system
It’s time for scientists to tweet
The parties can’t ignore the looming student finance crisis
University for South East moves a step closer
Flan Garvey resigns at Chairman of IT Tralee
Four Irish university researchers to attend Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
Cheerleading for Science
Reinhart and Rogoff call for ‘civility’
Why can’t we just be People in German Studies?