Leader of the ‘anti-university crusade’

“University is not for everyone: not even the most fanatical outreach officer would deny that. But one man has gone further, embarking on an ‘anti-university crusade’, as his publicity material puts it, because he believes that for the vast majority of people, it is a huge waste of money …” (more)

[David Matthews, Times Higher Education, 4 July]


  • I totally agree with this guy. Unfortunately, however, this article fails to mention the most important – and scariest – fact about the problem of brainwashing kids into thinking that a university education is the only way to go, which is that all but the most elite institutions are now recruiting ever-increasing numbers of bright kids who are not suited to study at third level – and many, many others who are simply not able for it. The latter will either drop out before final year, or – worse still – scrape through after repeating god knows how many modules with a degree that they should not be awarded. Ask ANY lecturer. But then – what would we do with all these not-so-bright kids who are not exactly entrepreneurial material? Not good for the unemployment figures, as ‘La Thatcher’ knew only too well. Cramming universities full of students to disguise unemployment figures was of course her idea in the first place. Now everybody’s at it.

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