Monthly Archives: May 2014

Digging up our Belfield of dreams
Closure of All Hallows is a loss to third-level education as well as to church
Quinn urged to resolve row on junior cycle reform
Economist Morgan Kelly among new members of RIA
Trinity is the first in Ireland to Secure Funding under New EU Horizon 2020
Why Emma Watson’s Graduation Is Important for Teenagers
Ireland ‘at risk’ of falling behind in digital learning
Knowledge Transfer Ireland – Partial, Error ridden and Naïve
Quality mark will regulate language schools
Masterplan to get from Los Angeles to Grangegorman
Protecting Archives in light of Boston Tapes Controversy
English Language Training Organisations
Minister Quinn invites teachers unions to talk on junior cycle reform, ASTI welcome the invite
Ireland should follow the Danish model of science communication
Entrepreneurship shortfall targeted by €500,000 graduate fund
What happens when universities treat students as customers
Minister Quinn to invite teacher unions to talks on new JCSA
Major language school warns staff of ‘extremely difficult’ financial position
ASTI: ‘Reform the Junior Cert but don’t abolish it’
Academics at British university object to giving student evaluations too much power