Daily Archives: 12 May, 2014

‘The crisis has exacted a huge toll on the Irish people’ – President Higgins is critical of economic teaching
Quinn says days of apartheid in education are over as he launches €169m European programme
Trinity in Transition: The Harsh Realities for Students and Staff
Education Committee to meet Minister Quinn on new Junior Cycle
University staff frustrated by lack of jobs
Ministers Quinn and Cannon launch the first ever five year strategy for Further Education and Training
University College Dublin launches Enterprise Gateway
2015 Complete University Guide League Table
It’s Very Difficult to Measure the Quality of a Programme
Department of Education does not respect academics, conference told
IMI keeps its place in elite global ranks
Scottish independence could hit overseas student numbers, says survey
notes on the proto/rollback/rollout phases of the co-operative university
Global Elite Threatened by New Rivals?
Students from rural areas are the new poor