Daily Archives: 16 September, 2014

MLAs call on Farry to renew backing for Magee expansion
Queen’s University Belfast increases its climb in world rankings
Education and support vital to those with disabilities – ESRI
Academic publishing can free itself from its outdated path dependence by looking to alternative review mechanisms
University rankings show decline in Irish colleges
A place for the lads?
Imperial College London leapfrogs Oxford to join Cambridge as best British university
Security alert at Queen’s University Belfast ‘nothing untoward’
My Education Week: ‘I work as a nomad, travelling to schools around the country’
Scientist in Ireland notches two mysterious retractions and a correction
Call for Gardaí to investigate plagiarism at city college
Galway bucks trend in college table
Minister predicts Education cuts fight
Trinity drops 10 places in global league rankings
Minister faces up to cuts, Junior Certs and equality