Daily Archives: 21 January, 2015

Irish educators divided over junior cycle reform
Junior Cycle Reform: Motion
Dr Micheline Sheehy-Skeffington launches campaign against gender discrimination at NUIG
Taoiseach says teachers’ strike is avoidable, but they don’t agree
College website’s ‘I am not selling pills’ t-shirt is ‘unacceptable’ – USI
ICTU: Govt needs to stop ‘talking to themselves’ over public sector pay
The warning lights are flashing for parts of Horizon 2020
Predatory and Pay for Publish journals and Irish Academia
CAO record
Students are ‘anxious to have their voices heard’
Junior Cycle proposals not supported by adequate funding – McLellan
Students back lecturers in equality action
Junior Certificate reform is ‘not a cost saving exercise’, says Jan O’Sullivan
Junior Certificate assessment
How International Is Peer Review?