NCAD students protest over funding cuts

Ireland“Students at the country’s leading fine art college demonstrated today against cuts and overcrowding they say are damaging the quality of their studies. 300-400 students at the National College of Art and Design on Dublin’s Thomas St gathered at lunchtime to deliver signed letters of protest to the college’s director …” (more)

[RTÉ News, 20 March]


  • I watched with regret the historic cry for funding by hundreds of students on RTE News and wonder why the college Director and management has resorted to such an amateur approach to seeking funding. As the country’s National College of Art and Design one wonders if they are suitably qualified to hold their respective posts. Similar to any business, the college should undertake a strategic review and develop a business model that makes their education provision less reliant on Government funding. Is that too complicated for an artist’s mind ?

  • You could do a lot more by merging with UCD on the sly.

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