Daily Archives: 25 August, 2015

‘College pressure is too much – we need to revive the apprenticeship’
Teacher union executives criticise leadership in advance of ballots
Scottish universities ‘could lose charitable status’
Young academics: The great betrayal
ASTI faction calls for rejection of JC proposals
Research Landing Pages on University Websites
Fine Gael TD calls for Midlands University
As Coursera Evolves, Colleges Stay On and Investors Buy In
Flipped Classroom – ‘professional suicide’ for Lecturers (via @jhrees)
Was the REF a waste of time? Strong relationship between grant income and quality-related funding allocation
Almost 40,000 students accept places in college
Wrong course choice by half of drop-outs
Students get by on less than €100 a week
The difficult questions concerning university autonomy and accountability
Entrepreneurial training