Monthly Archives: April 2017

UCC student leaves thoughtful note and gift for hardworking library staff
Tommy Tiernan on Gender Discrimination at NUI Galway
Phew – End of Semester II
Trinity planning technology campus at Grand Canal Dock
Ryanair Funding for Entrepreneurship Post Received on ‘Non-Committal Basis’ Confirms Business Dean
Student residence developers set to drive forward Dyke Road project
Higher Education Colleges Association Conference 2017 – speech by Diarmuid Hegarty
Colleges face scrutiny over response to meeting skills gaps across industry
Foreign languages at second level
University fee increases pushed through
Major cyber criminals target Trinity College and steal ‘substantial’ amount of money
More than 6,000 students drop out of college in first year
Grassroots effort to end ASTI industrial action is resisted by union leaders
Public sector pay report to back keeping pension levy
Many college graduates lack work-ready skills, say small firms
After Ongoing Disruption, Luas Works Outside Botany Bay Suspended until May 14th
Number of students who quit computer science falls
Males are more likely to drop out of college
Skills gaps: Where are the best opportunities for graduates?
Creating an autism friendly campus