Monthly Archives: November 2017

NUIG seeks consortium to develop second phase of student accommodation
Trinity to Review Finance Committee’s Fee-Setting Power
‘Fresh’, While Well-Intentioned, Is Ridiculous
After Online Uproar, Clarification on ‘Fresh’
Numbers entering teaching ‘collapsing’ due to low pay, unions claim
Student Sit-In Planned, as Tallaght IT Fails to Hire Union Secretary
Engineering in the Leaving Cert
Science subjects and pay inequality
A Fresh Farce from the Trinity Administration
It’s official: STEM is a thing and it’s all about real world problems and stuff
Trinity College to drop ‘freshman’ term over inclusivity concerns
35,850 students share their experiences of higher education in Ireland
‘Freshman’ Students to Become Gender-Neutral ‘Fresh’
DIT academics have ‘significant concerns’ over amalgamation
Only six graduates in training to be physics teachers
Screen them out?
Europeans want more vocational (not higher) education …
Medical graduates and debt
Universities are failing their students through poor feedback practices
Students’ Union Autonomy is Too Important Not to Fight For