Daily Archives: 13 March, 2018

Bruton must address students concerns on repeat exam fees – Byrne
TCD should reverse repeat fee decision
Green Party Calls for Reversal on Supplemental Fees Decision
Taking Back Trinners
University strikers reject pension deal
Minister Mitchell O’Connor meets her equivalent in Oman and they discuss Ireland’s Technological Universities
TCD students occupy campus building in protest over fees
Meanwhile, At Trinity
Students Defy Trinity with Dining Hall Occupation
Striking university staff irate over pensions deal
The hidden costs of research assessment exercises: the curious case of Australia
Technological universities
University strikes may be called off after talks lead to new proposals
ITs must meet strict upgrade criteria
What exactly is teaching?
Student sues university for ‘Mickey Mouse’ degree
Increasing convergence across almost all sectors of the economy
Postgrad teaching applications jump amid supply ‘crisis’
How to stay ahead at work: the rise of remote learning