Cern membership ‘vital for Irish universities’

Ireland“Ireland must apply for membership of the world-renowned European Organisation for Nuclear Research (Cern) in order to combat the effect of Brexit and boost university rankings. That is according to Cork senator Colm Burke as the campaign to join Cern gains momentum, after Ireland recently became a member of the European Space Observatory …” (more)

[Pádraig Hoare, Irish Examiner, 29 September]


  • Ireland must become a member of CERN, and very engaged in all of CERN’s work. When I was Director in Science Foundation Ireland, that was one of my major objectives. Of course also for the European Southern Observatory, where I was employed as a Senior Scientist in the European Space Agency for 12 years. It is interesting how many UK universities are working with CERN, so Irish universities can and should be working also on such data.

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