Daily Archives: 10 April, 2020

Leaving Cert postponed until late summer; Junior Cycle replaced with class tests
University of Limerick: ‘non-detriment’ grading already built into modules
Leaving Cert students: ‘We just need clarity now’
University of Limerick delivers 100,000 visors to protect health workers amid Covid-19
Nature to join open-access Plan S, publisher says
Coronavirus: Universities warn of going bust without emergency funds
How universities can open next fall
Coronavirus: UL rapid innovation unit living up to name as they produce PPE for frontline health staff
Concern over proposed changes to UCD’s academic freedom
Petition: Queen’s University Belfast Covid-19 Safety Net Policy
TCD to spend €200,000 on Chinese student recruitment drive
IFUT Blasts Government Over ‘Slight’ on Academics in Exam Preparation
USIT says that refunds may be available to students
Student Hardship Fund Raises €200k in A Week, After Graduate Appeal
C’mon: The leaving cert isn’t going to happen in August