Daily Archives: 24 November, 2020

Leaving Cert calculated grades memo deemed confidential, High Court hears
UCC reverts to pre-pandemic exam measures, despite little relief in sight
No Plan to Rename Berkeley Library ‘At Present’, Says College
Talks on new pay deal for 340,000 public servants get green light
For university students, COVID-19 stress creates perfect conditions for mental health crises
Irish Survey of Student Engagement National Report 2020
University rankings need a rethink
The Housing Disaster: Analysing Our Generation’s Defining Crisis
‘Shatter the glass ceiling’: First woman university chief in Ireland on breakthrough role
More than 4 in 10 students feel college does not prepare them for work
College in a time of Covid: Are third-level students being short-changed?
Clear national health and safety approach needed for face-to-face teaching in universities, says IFUT
Consortium involving GMIT to apply for Technological University status before year end
Departmental Functions
Third Level Education – Covid-19
National Training Fund