Monthly Archives: November 2021

Graduates lack ‘basic skills’ such as writing without spelling or grammatical errors
Time for Queen’s to enable a fuller journey for its dedicated Irish speaking students …
Students say ‘F*ck the Fees’ in new Cost of College Campaign
Research-intensive universities have a gender problem
Ireland has higher rates of third level education than EU average, data shows
RCSI first Irish higher level institution to launch race equality action plan
Lecturers to Lobby for High Risk Staff to be Allowed to Work from Home
Great News for Astrophysics & Cosmology at Maynooth!
Covid and teaching at third-level
The Tone of USI’s Protest Won’t Help Govt Take Student Demands Seriously
Minister approves 10 more academic positions in gender equality initiative
Calls to Cancel In-Person Exams Again Should not Claim to be Representative
Maynooth University to hold majority of exams online after 4,000 students sign petition
Students turn out in force at DCU Black Lives Matter Protest following lecturer’s comments
Exam Deferral Only Permitted if Student is a Possible COVID Case
RTÉ Liveline listeners hear Trinity College student told she can’t graduate because of €22 library fine
Third Level Christmas Exams
NUIG Student Union slams university for ‘playing Russian roulette with the health of students’
Technological Universities – Borrowing
Dundalk IT