Tags : access

Third level participation
Access to Third Level Places and Student Accommodation: Statements
‘The only people I knew in Trinity were there to rob bikes’
Projects aimed at improving third-level accessibility for students with autism and intellectual disabilities announced
Funding to support Traveller and Roma learners in higher education and apprenticeships announced by Minister Harris
National Access Plan
Third Level Fees
New National Access Plan to drive equality of access to higher education launched by Minister Harris
Extra €35m for ‘truly inclusive’ higher education access plan
Universities must tackle poor outcomes for vulnerable groups under four-year access plan
Oireachtas Report Shows UCD and TCD Have 2x National Average of Students from Affluent Backgrounds
Cutting college fees ‘won’t improve access’ for disadvantaged students
Student grants should be extended to squeezed middle
Meritocratic educational system
Access to Third Level
NUI Galway appoints first full-time Traveller Education Officer
Additional college places needed to match demand – Mayo TD
Further and Higher Education – Access
Prison university project to ‘bring third-level to those furthest away from it’
Invitation to Make a Submission on the next National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher Education (2022-2026)