Tags : age discrimination

IFUT welcomes WRC ‘Age Discrimination’ Ruling in favour of Lecturer
Uni ordered to pay €35k after ruling finds lecturer (55) lost out on senior post due to age
We’re All Out of Step but UCD, It Seems!
Union calls on UCD to drop appeal on ageism ruling
IFUT calls on UCD President to desist from appealing age discrimination ruling
UCD to appeal WRC ruling over age discrimination
IFUT Wins Major Age Discrimination Case Against UCD
Lecturer (61) wins €30,000 and top job in UCD age row
UCD lecturer denied promotion on age grounds awarded €30,000
Ageism claim over mandatory PhDs settled
Galway conference: Is the mandatory retirement age of 65 discriminatory?
Cornelius v. University College Dublin
UCD pays €5,000 for age discrimination