Tags : arts

Stem steams ahead as students abandon the arts ship
Valuing arts graduates
The Stem obsession does a disservice to arts and humanities
Humanities and science: an unequal competition?
Is Trinity Failing to Bridge the Gap Between the Arts and the Sciences?
QUB to Merge Seven Schools
Mathematics and education
Mathematics and education
Mathematics and education
Education driven by the market
Education – broad or deep?
Graduates must bridge divide between arts and science
Ignoring the Fact that, in Irish Universities, Arts Rank Better than Science
Time for the state to shift its AHSS on higher education policy?
In Defense of Liberal Arts AND Employability
Two tribes? Science and art are more like than unalike
Maynooth University to halve number of college entry routes
Maynooth set to offer students a unique arts/science degree
Research: the wrong priority for the arts and humanities?
Valuing arts and humanities graduates