Tags : basic research vs applied research

Students4Change criticises ‘corporate model’ of education as FOI data reveals disparities in school funding
Major Merger in Irish Research
Research Funding
Funding ‘Blue Skies’ Research in Ireland
Covid, masks and the case for funding engineering research
Time for a Department of Higher Education and Research: COVID-19 makes it clear we need a voice for science at Cabinet
Ireland lagging behind in funding ‘blue skies’ scientific research
Govt Short-Sightedness Causing Crisis in Research and Development
IUA welcomes Government announcement of €12m IRC investment in curiosity driven basic research
A Hint of Blue Skies for Irish Science?
Funding Basic Research in Ireland
Funding priorities of Science Foundation Ireland need re-balancing
Funding science and engineering
Funding science and engineering
Funding science and engineering
Science and engineering
Science, research and the economy
Irish scientist criticises State’s lack of support for basic research
Minister knows importance of research goes beyond economic benefits
Ibec pushing for more visionary science policy