Tags : blogging

Beating the Ban
Blog Blocked
Writing, Publishing and Blogging
What to do about the Leaving Cert
Why Ninth Level Ireland has passed its sell-by date
Why I blog
How to plan, create and launch a successful multi-author academic blog
If you blog, will you lose your job? via @THESISWHISPERER
Collapsing Ivory Towers? A hyperlink analysis of the German academic blogosphere
NCI Guest Blog Post ‘A Day in the Life of a Lecturer’
Science blogs and online trolling: Do below-the-line comment spaces help or hurt science communication?
Developing an Academic Writing Blog
Should academic lawyers blog?
The future of blogs, the future of journals
Blogging can be a release from all the structural pressures corroding the creative impulse in academic writing
Notes on ‘academic blogging’
Four Years A’Bloggin’
Academic group proposes editor blogging ban to keep ‘professional’ tone
Two Dublin Cinemas that show the connection between show business and academia
Academic blogging is part of a complex online academic attention economy, leading to unprecedented readership